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All outside pitches are approximately 4.5 m deep, stands in the marquee have ample depth for standing space behind the stall. Charity stalls will only be allocated the size of a small domestic sized gazebo . No Additional space will be allocated Trade stand holders and Exhibitors must read and comply with all show conditions as set out in the show schedule. They are also required to read and adhere to the show Health & safety policy and to complete and return the attached risk assessment with their application form. Intoxicating liquor may not be sold or raffled without prior permission. The Exhibitor shall be responsible for obtaining such licence / temporary events notice as may be needed for the sale or supply of intoxicating liquor or otherwise and for the observance of the same. Copies of all permissions must be lodged with the Trade Stand Secretary prior to the Show. Caerwys Agricultural Show will not be responsible for any loss or damage sustained by ourselves howsoever such loss or damage may be sustained, and we undertake to indemnify the show against any such claim by any 3rd party arising directly or indirectly out of our presence on the showground. In the interests of animal safety, aircraft, drones, kites, balloons etc. are prohibited in the immediate proximity of the show and car parks except where prior permission has been obtained from Caerwys Show committee. The sale of Cap guns, BB guns, laser guns, laser pens and explosive devices is prohibited. Caerwys Agricultural Show requires that where trade stand holders provide food and drink, they should hold a valid current basic food Hygiene Certificate. Please Note: The Committee, its officers or servants shall not be responsible for any accident, damage, loss, however caused, that may occur to any Exhibitor, or his servant, or to any article, animal or property brought into the Showground, or while entering or leaving the said Showground. Each exhibitor shall be solely responsible for any loss, injury or damage that may be done to, or occasioned by, or arising from, any machinery or other article, or any animal or property exhibited by him, and it is a condition of entry that each Exhibitor shall indemnify and hold harmless the Society from and against all actions, suits, expenses and claims on account or any such damage or injury.