Shetland Ponies

Please read the information below, then click here to enter

Please note: paid entries only permit 2 free adult tickets per vehicle. All other passengers must purchase tickets online or on the gate.

Shetland Ponies

Affiliated to the Shetland Pony Stud Book Society
SPSBS rosettes will be awarded

SP1         Standard Stallion or Gelding, 4 years old and over 

SP2         Standard Barren Mare, 4 years and over 

SP3         Standard Brood Mare, 4 years and over, with own foal at foot 

SP4         Standard Yearling colt, filly or gelding 

SP5         Standard 2 year or 3 year old colt, filly or gelding 

SP6         Miniature stallion or Gelding, 4 years old or over not exceeding 34” 

SP7         Miniature Barren Mare, 4 years old or over not exceeding 34” 

SP8         Miniature Brood Mare, 4 years and over, with own foal at foot not exceeding 34” 

SP9         Miniature Yearling colt, filly or gelding not to exceed 34” at maturity 

SP10       Miniature 2 year or 3 year old colt, filly or gelding not to exceed 34” at maturity 

SP11       Coloured Shetland. Any age, any height

SP12       Ridden Shetland on or off lead rein 

1st and 2nd prize winners to go forward to Senior Championship, Junior Championship, Standard Championship, Miniature Championship, Best Gelding and Supreme Champion (as appropriate)

On the day, please take the RED route to show field.

Judging at 9:00am in the Main Ring                                                                                   

Entry Fee: £7.00 (£10.00 on the day) 

Prizes: (rosettes to 6th place)

1st £152nd £133rd £104th £75th £5

Judge: Miss Emma Gibson, Aberford, Leeds                

Steward: TBC

Would all turnout exhibitors please provide commentary notes, for example: loves apples but hates carrots and donkeys!

ALL exhibitors are respectfully requested to attend the Grand Parade in the Main Ring at 3:00pm. Only the Section Supreme Champions will be presented with their respective trophies in the Main Ring.  All other class Champions will receive their trophies & prize money from the Shetlands Secretary after the Grand Parade. 

  1. Classes must be confined to SPS-BS registered ponies. Ponies must be named on the entry form and in the catalogue, if one is produced. Society rosettes must only be given to ponies registered with the Society or to foals eligible for registration.
  2. Three-year-old fillies with foals at foot may not be shown. All foals must be a minimum of three weeks old on the day of the Show. 
  3. In order to enter a stallion in ANY class (in-hand or performance) at an affiliated show, entire males aged 4 years and over must have an “S” number and have been successfully through either the SPS-BS Stallion assessment prior to 2006 or the current SPS-BS Voluntary Veterinary Examination. Ridden stallions MUST display a stallion bridle badge. In-hand, colts/stallions of two years old or over must be shown to be bitted and are advised to display a colt or stallion bridle badge, these are available to purchase from the SPS-BS.
  4. There must be no colts or stallions in the Young Handlers classes. Young handlers must be a minimum of 3 years of age on the day of the show. Children under 14 years old may not show colts (excluding foals) or stallions in In-hand classes. Children under 12 years old on the day of the show may not show stallions in ridden classes. In the interests of safety, hard hats conforming to the current British Safety standard must be worn by all handlers aged 14 years or under in In-hand classes. For Health & Safety purposes, judges and exhibitors must remain standing whilst in the ring when showing ponies. KNEELING IS NOT PERMITTED. Hard hats conforming to current British Safety standards must be worn,, correctly secured, by all exhibitors, irrespective of age, in ridden classes. Ridden and driven ponies must be 4 years old and over. In ridden Classes, if a rider falls off at any time whilst in the ring, both pony and rider must leave the ring, the rider dismounted, and take no further part.
A full list of SBS-PS rules will be available for exhibitors to read at the Shetlands Secretary’s booth.

Trophies & Special Prizes

The Margaret Pennington Perpetual Memorial Trophy, kindly presented by the late Mr Brian Pennington, Crewe, and a cash prize of £40, will be awarded to the Champion Shetland Pony. Kindly sponsored by Flintshire Fabrications, Nerse Farm, Lloc.

A Challenge Tray presented by the Caerwys Show Committee and a cash prize of £25 will be awarded to the Reserve Champion. Kindly sponsored by Flintshire Fabrications, Nerse Farm, Lloc.

The Cefn Melyn Trophy kindly presented by Mrs F. M. Williams in memory of her late husband Mr Brynle Williams will be awarded to the Best Miniature Shetland together with a cash prize of £40. Kindly sponsored by Synthite Ltd, Alyn Works, Mold.

The Claylands Trophy for the best Gelding in the Shetland Pony Classes kindly presented by the Claylands Shetland Pony Stud in memory of Claylands Crystal. 

Secretary: Lorraine Seville

If you would prefer not to enter online, please download an entry form and email it to the secretary, who will contact you to arrange payment. Alternatively, please fill out the form and send it with payment to the secretary.