Carriage Driving

Please read the class information below, then click here to enter online

Carriage Driving

Please read the class information below, then click here to enter online

Please note: judging will now commence at 10:30am prompt in the Main Ring.

Carriage Driving

PD1 – Private Driving Class – for singles pairs or tandems 

Exhibits are to be shown in a vehicle other than show wagons and commercial vehicles.  To be judged as a complete turnout, that is horse and harness, vehicle and their suitability as a road turnout. 

PD2 – Pleasure Driving Class – for singles, pairs or tandems 

Pleasure driving class is for newcomers to showing and not intended for those who show in private driving classes. Therefore, entries will not be accepted from competitors in class PD1. 

JW3 – Junior Whip 

This class is restricted to drivers 17 years and under on the day of the show.  Each junior whip must be accompanied by a competent adult. 

On the day, please take the RED route to show field.

TIME CHANGE:  Judging at 10:30am in the Main Ring 

Entry Fee: £5.00


1st £252nd £203rd £154th £105th £5

Judge: Mr R. Parry  

Steward: Charlie Parry         

All classes open to horses and ponies 4 years old and over.

Commentary notes MUST be provided when entering.

Judging of the Pleasure Driving Class will be based on: 15% of vehicle suitability, fit and cleanliness; 15% on harness suitability, fit and cleanliness and 70% on the driver and groom, horse/pony’s way of going and suitability as a family pleasure-driving animal. 

If there are sufficient entries, classes PD1 and PD2 will be subdivided according to height at the discretion of the judge. 

** Entries must ensure the weight and the size of the carriage/vehicle is in proportion to the size of the horse/pony and its current level of fitness **

 The Judge and/or driving secretary reserve the right to refuse entry, should they deem any part of a turnout to be unsuitable.

 All exhibitors must have current third-party insurance and provide a copy to the secretary when submitting their entries. By law, equine passports must accompany each horse/pony and must be produced if/when requested.

By law, equine passports must accompany each horse/pony and must be produced if/when requested. 


The John Williams Perpetual Trophy will be awarded to the winner of class PD1. 

The Norma Bowyer Trophy, together with a cash prize of £40, in memory of the late Mrs N. Bowyer, Baguley, Manchester, will be awarded to the winner of Class PD2.  

The BDS North East Wales Trophy will be awarded to the highest-placed Junior Whip in Class PD3.  

Secretary - Joanne Robinson

If you would prefer not to enter online, please download an entry form and email it to the secretary, who will contact you to arrange payment. Alternatively, please fill out the form and send it with payment to the secretary.